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uBot in the News
uBot in the News

Research Interests

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uBot-5 interacting with children

Professional Services

  • Co-chair for The 2007 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent
    Robots and Systems (IROS’07) session “Multi-Modal Human-Robot Interaction”
  • Hosted numerous robotics demos for university/department promotional events, 2001~2007
  • Speaker at the Microsoft Developer Conference, China, 1999


  • Proficient in C, C++,Java, Visual Basic, Java Script, VBA, PHP, database programming
  • Skilled web application designer

Selected Publications

  • Learning Prospective Robot Behavior. AAAI Spring Symposium, 2009. S. Ou and R. Grupen. [pdf]
  • Software Architecture for Robot Learning. ICRA workshop, Japan, 2009. Joint work with S. Hart, S. Sen and R. Grupen. [pdf]
  • Mobile Manipulators for Assisted Living in Residential Settings. Autonomous Robots Journal, 2008. S. Ou et. al. [pdf] (author listed by alphabetical order)
  • Application of Reinforcement Learning in Multi-Sensor Fusion Problems with Conflicting Control Objectives, AutoSoft Journal, to appear, 2007. S. Ou, A.H. Fagg and P. Shenoy. [pdf]
  • A Framework for Learning Declarative Structure, Robotics Conference, Philadelphia, 2006. S. Ou S. Hart, S. Sen and R. Grupen. [pdf]
  • Distributed Smart Cameras for Aging in Place, Joint work with Williams, A., Xie, D., DSC06, Boulder, Colorado, November, 2006. [pdf]
  • A Self-Calibrated Environmental Friendly Automatic Irrigation System,
    WCCA, Orlando, Florida, 2006. S. Ou and L. Chen.
  • Classification of Single Odorant Gas Smell Intensity using Electric Nose, DCDIS, Guelph, Canada, 2005. S. Ou and L. Chen. [pdf]
  • A Multi-Layer Perceptron Approach for Greenhouse Protection against Strong Wind Conditions in the Southern Coastal Regions of China, ASAE Annual Meeting, 2005. S. Ou and L. Chen.
  • An Augmented Virtual Reality Interface for Assistive Monitoring of Smart Spaces, PerCom, 2004. S. Ou, D.R. Karuppiah, A.H. Fagg, E. Riseman. [pdf]

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